9 Unique Signs that He Is Crazy About You

A man's great care for you can be revealed in the form of subtle clues and hints, such as remembering the little things, updating you on his day, expressing gratitude for your time, and finding you irresistible.

9 Unique Signs that He Is Crazy About You

It can be both exciting and difficult to discover whether or not someone is secretly in love with you. When someone is trying to disguise their emotions, it might be difficult to understand how they truly feel. But, if you're wondering whether the man in your life is head over heels for you, there are some signals to look out for. In this article, we will explore the subtle signs and hints that reveal a man's deep affection for you, even when he's trying to keep it under wraps. From remembering the little things to his actions and body language, these 9 signs will help you determine if he's secretly in love with you.


Signs He Likes You but Is Hiding It


1. He Remembers the Little Things

The ability to remember minute facts about your life is a strong indicator that he is secretly in love with you. If he remembers details about you from weeks ago, such as your favorite color, your birthday, or a personal anecdote you shared, you can be sure that you have a particular place in his heart. He's obviously really interested in you and grateful to have you in his life if he's paying this much attention to you.


2. He Updates You About His Day

When a man loves you secretly, he will make an attempt to let you in on what he has been up to. Whether it's through text messages, phone conversations, or in person, he'll want to share his experiences and opinions with you. You'll always be in the know about what's going on in his life, and he'll know that he can count on you.


3. He Thanks You for Spending Time with Him

He clearly cares about you if he thanks you for the time you spent together. When a man is truly and deeply in love with you, he will make it clear how much he cherishes the time you spend together. Even if he isn't ready to use the words "thank you" just yet, his actions will speak louder than words.


4. He Finds You Irresistible

A man who is secretly in love with you typically finds you extraordinarily appealing, both physically and emotionally. You can tell a lot about him from his expressions and gaze. He is completely captivated by your attractiveness and charisma if he constantly looks at you, smiles at you, and complements you on how you look.


5. He Is Secretly Obsessed with You

A healthy and respectable obsession may sound severe, but it's actually a sign of profound affection. He may fantasize about your future together or go out of his way to make you happy if he is secretly in love with you. His fixation on you is evidence of how deeply you resonate with him.


Signs He Is Crazy About You


6. He Goes Out of His Way to Help You

When a man is truly smitten with you, he won't hesitate to help out, even if you haven't asked for it. His eagerness to help you out, whether it's by picking you up or doing something else, shows how much he cares about you.


7. He Demonstrates Jealousy (In Moderation)

While unhealthy levels of jealousy are never good for a relationship, a normal amount might show how much he values you. If he becomes mildly possessive toward you on occasion, especially while you are in the company of other guys, this could be an indication of his deep affections for you. It's crucial to achieve the perfect balance between jealousy and trust for a healthy partnership.


8. He Hints at His Feelings

Subtle signals about their feelings are common behavior among men who are secretly in love. Statements like "I'm glad we crossed paths" or "I wish I could find someone like you" are examples of such clues. These words may seem innocent, yet they are his way of expressing his affection without simply stating, "I love you."


9. He Makes Future Plans with You

If he wants to make plans that include you, that's a major indicator that he's head over heels in love with you. He may suggest future excursions, events, or even long-term plans that you can participate in as a couple. This is a sign of his commitment to having you as part of his life for the foreseeable future.


How to Know If Someone Loves You Secretly

It's not just the individual indicators that a man secretly likes you that matter; it's also the cumulative effect of those signs. Even if he hasn't said it directly, if you see numerous of the signals listed above, it's likely that he has strong feelings for you. Remember that there are many ways that love can be shown and that it may take some people longer than others to share their feelings.

To help you determine if someone loves you secretly, consider these key takeaways:

  • Consistency: Pay attention to whether he constantly displays the indicators described. His genuine feelings can be inferred from his actions if they remain constant over time.
  • Respect: Men who have secret feelings for you will always treat you with the utmost deference and care. His behavior ought to demonstrate his genuine concern for you.
  • Connection: You can't put a price on the depth of your feelings for him. You should feel a deep emotional connection with him, as this is the foundation upon which true love rests.
  • Communication: The words "I love you" may not come out of his mouth, but he will show you his affection by his actions and words.
  • Patience: Keep in mind that not everyone is open about their feelings. Don't rush him; doing so could cause him to withdraw farther into himself.


Signs of a Crazy Partner

Finding out that someone has secret feelings for you can be a beautiful experience, but it's important to keep in mind that there's a thin line between love and dangerous obsession. It's important to pay attention to the warning signs your partner is displaying, since they may point to possessiveness, jealously, and a lack of respect for your boundaries. 

  • Excessive jealousy and control: A red flag is raised if your partner follows your every move, cuts you off from your social circle, or tries to dictate what you do.
  • Manipulation: An unhealthy display of love comes from a partner who uses techniques like emotional manipulation, guilt trips, or mind games.
  • Invasion of privacy: It's crucial for partners to respect each other's personal space. It's possible that your partner doesn't have your best interests in mind if they constantly pry into your phone, email, and social media accounts.
  • Verbal or physical abuse: It is unacceptable to use either verbal or physical violence against another person. If you are in an abusive relationship, it is important that you get the help you need.
  • Lack of trust: The cornerstone of any successful partnership is trust. A lack of trust is displayed by a partner who continuously doubts you, accuses you of adultery without proof, or doesn't trust your judgment. Getting therapy from a professional or terminating the relationship are both viable options if you feel that your partner's affection has become toxic.



It's a wonderful feeling to find out that someone has been secretly in love with you all along. A man's great care for you can be revealed in the form of subtle clues and hints, such as remembering the little things, updating you on his day, expressing gratitude for your time, and finding you irresistible. He's probably head over heels for you if he goes out of his way to support you, drops hints about his affections, shows healthy jealousy, and makes plans to spend the rest of his life with you.

When you know what to look for, it's much easier to approach a person who may be too timid or guarded to express their sentiments openly, and it can even give you the courage to pursue a deeper connection with them. Still, it's crucial to recognize the warning signals of an unhealthy, obsessive spouse and take precautions to safeguard your own safety and well-being if you ever find yourself in such a relationship. Love, in any event, shouldn't be a stressful or frightening experience, but rather a beautiful and respectful one that enriches your life.